OMGで正式に採択された UML Profile にどういうものがあるかは下記webページで確認できます:
同ページには以下にしめす16個の UML Profile がリストアップされています:
- UML Profile for BPMN Processes
- UML Profile for CORBA and CORBA Components
- UML Profile for CORBA Components
- UML Profile for CORBA
- UML Profile for Enterprise Application Integration
- UML Profile for Enterprise Distributed Object Computing
- UML Profile for MARTE
- UML Profile for NIEM
- UML Profile for Modeling QoS and FT
- Software Radio Components
- UML Profile for System on a Chip
- UML Profile for Schedulability, Performance, & Time
- UML Profile for Telecommunication Services
- SES Management TelcoML Extension
- UML Profile for ROSETTA
- UML Profile for Voice-based Applications
ちなみに両Profile は下記のドメイン言語の模様です:
- UML Profile for ROSETTA
- The ROSETTA Profile will ‘provide precise syntax and semantics that will facilitate the export of UML and SysML system models to a matrix representation that can be used tostructure mathematical knowledge for concordant use in simulation at the conceptual and detailed design levels’.
- UML Profile for NIEM
- NIEM is a national program that empowers organizations to create and maintain meaningful data connections across their stove-piped IT systems, as well as their stakeholder base. NIEM provides data components and processes needed to create exchange specifications which support mission data sharing and exchange requirements. By providing a common vocabulary and mature framework to facilitate information exchange, NIEM enables communities to “speak the same language” as they share, exchange, accept, and translate information efficiently