

Qiita からのリンク

最近 Qiita の記事からリンクを張っていただいたおかげで,そこからの来訪者の方が増えてきております.
OSSのUMLモデリングツールpapyrusを使ってみよう ~インストール編~

記事を起こされた背景をたどっていくと,なるほど  astah community版がなくなったことで,この先の技術教育で使用するツールをどうするか,というお話しなのですね.

あとは ETロボコンも絡むのですかね??

もしそうなら Papyrus SW Designer の記事もそろそろアップした方がよいのかしらんと思ったりしたりしています.

僕が Papyrus RCP を最新版に更新した際に Eclipse Market Place から入れるのが 「SysML Profile」と「Papyrus SW Designer」の2つですしね.

特に Papyrus SW Designer を入れると「C/C++」や「Java」や「MARTE」のプロファイルが入るので,それだけでも重宝するのではと思います.

SysML v2 について

最近,何故か知りませんが SysML v2 の blog ページへのアクセスが急増しています.






SysML v2 and the Next Generation of Modeling Languages

Model Driven Solutions社の CTO である Ed. Seidewitz さんの資料で,概要も上記ページに記載されています.


  • SysML v2 will be based on a kernel metamodel, rather than UML.
  • The kernel semantics will be grounded in a declarative formalism.
  • Full language semantics will be specified using a semantic model library.
  • The SysML v2 specification will include a separate volume with a self-contained definition of the Kernel.
  • It will be natural to build a other modeling languages on this rigorous foundation.
  • Will UML v3 be a profile of SysML v2?


なかなかの大作になりそうですね,SysML v2 は.

読まないといけないものが,また増えそうです ><

Vienna University of Technology でお話しされた内容の様でして,その概要が以下のページに記載されています:

SysML v2 and the Next Generation of Modeling Languages – Ed Seidewitz, February 18th, 4 p.m. Vienna
関連する部分を抜粋しますと,RFP(Request for Proposals) の発行後,
A year into this work, it is clear that SysML v2 needs to be more than just an expansion of the functional capabilities of SysML. Rather, it must address fundamental architectural issues that have made it difficult to further evolve SysML v1 to address the needs of its user community.
Therefore, the language is being re-designed using a new kernel metamodel with formally grounded semantics. This kernel can then be extended using semantic model libraries, rather than by expanding the language metamodel itself.
This approach will allow SysML v2 to be not only the modeling language for traditional systems engineering, but also the foundation for a whole new generation of modeling languages.

ちなみに  Ed. Seidewitz さんは以下の YouTube で解説されておられる方ですね:
Overview: UML® (Unified Modeling Language™) and SysML® (Systems Modeling Language™)



MARTE (UML Profile for Modeling and Analysis of RealTime and Embedded Systems version) の version 2.0 に向けた RFI (Request For Information) が発行されているのに気が付きました.
MARTE 2.0 RFI (OMGページ)
に RFI のドキュメントと Response list があります.

RFI ドキュメントに記載の Summary of this RFI では
Our goal is to modernize, enhance and integrate the embedded hardware and software model-based design and analysis frameworks that are enabled by MARTE with the opportunities that heavily distributed and intensive communication run time environments as well as other modern technologies offer nowadays. Since the inception of MARTE, 12 years ago, a number of OMG standards have emerged to improve the UML base semantics, and additional new analysis and design techniques as well as application domains (e.g., IoT and AI) for MARTE have appeared. Then, to drive the update of the language over the basis of the updated UML and its related standards, it is time to seek inputs from the community for potential enhancements and additions in the various domains in which MARTE could be used, and to account new design and analysis techniques that emerged in the meantime. 
The purpose of this RFI is to identify the community of interest and to identify potential stakeholders, along with their specific interests and needs. These will be used to prepare a roadmap for MARTE evolution and more specifically concrete requirements for MARTE 2.0.

SysML2.0 のこともありますし,色々と動いていますね.