

Papyrus 6.4.0 2023-3 リリース

 そいえば記事書くのを忘れていましたが、Papyrus 6.4.0 2023-3 がリリースされています。

Papyrus 6.4.0 Released

Posted Mar 22, 2023

The Eclipse Papyrus 6.4.0 2023-03 release is now available! Go to the Download page to install it as an update site or a zip archive. The associated RCP is available from the RCP download page as well.

今回は RCP も同時にリリースされています。



SysML v2 のβ版採択

 ネットの投稿によると、今週、無事に SysML v2 のβ版が採択されたみたいですね。

それに関係して、この4月4日(火)2:00 am から、以下の YouTube LiveStreaming が開催されるみたいです:

[Episode 33] Application of SysML v2 with Sandy Friedenthal


After over 5 years of work with over 200 people from over 80 organizations, the OMG votes on the final submission of SysML v2 at the end of March. Truly a historic milestone for MBSE. We’ve talked about SysML v2 more often in our podcast, for example with one of the masterminds of SysML v2, Ed Seidewitz: SysML v2 – A look behind the scenes. This time we talk about SysML v2 with another mastermind: Sandy Friedenthal.

Instead of looking behind the scenes, we will primarily focus on the application of SysML v2. What does the new version mean for users? What new possibilities does it offer? Which hurdles of SysML v1 are cleared out of the way? How can the transition from SysML v1 to SysML v2 look like?

Sandy is the world’s Mr. SysML. He has been one of the leaders and driving forces behind the language since the early days of SysML v1. We are very happy that he takes the time for us for an exchange.
