通常の Plugin 版と共に RCP 版も同時リリースされています.
スプラッシュ画面 には Photon と表示されています.
まだちゃんと確認していませんがPapyrus 4.0.0 の変更点は以下とのことです(参照元):
- A new preference has been introduced to keep stereotype application with their base element see StereotypeApplication Preference
- The hyperlink navigation has changed see Hyperlink Navigation
- Add a preference page to configure the visualisation of external decorator see External Decorator
- Add auto-completion to select the type in the property view see Auto complete type
- Add an export to HTML to see model without papyrus see HTML Export
- Development and adaptation of the Layer tool for the diagrams Layers .
- Synchronisation with ELK see ELK adaptation
- Tables improvements:
- display of a string instead of N/A
- Matrix improvements
- save by UUID not the positon
- Diagrams improvements:
- some problems about the name label of ports have been fixed
- some resize action in the class diagram have been fixed.
- sequence diagram - Better movement managment of Elements, introduction of combined fragment, RCPTT tests.
- Integrate a tool to adapt your model based on the modification of the profile
- Architecture framework : stabilization (easier customizations/modifications by the users) and bug corrections
なおこの4.0.0から正式に Papyrus Component が Marketplace 対応したのですが,残念ながら Help メニュー上には Marketplace はありませんでした.
From Papyrus 3.3.0 onwards, the Papyrus Relatives will be released in the Eclipse Marketplace as soon as they are available.SysMLや Software Designer のようなコンポーネントのインストール手段としては,Marketplace メニューからではなく,別の手段を想定しているのやもしれませんね.